Sunday, May 30, 2010
More Photos of my Home
Here are some photos taken around our place. What do you think?
This is Gerry, who is helping us for a couple of weeks. She worked for the family who lived here before us.
My New Home
These are photos from inside my new home. The furniture isn't ours and will change in November. But, we get to keep the blue rug! Yippee!
This is the guest room.
This is our room.
I love the blue rug in my living room!
This is our dining table.
This is a pooped me after my long journey, on my rug in front of the balcony doors.
Friday, May 28, 2010
More Photos of Trip
Made it Safely to Our New Home!
In India, you don't move, you shift. You do not go out of town, you go out of station. We'll we shifted to a hill station today -the Himalayas that is! We left at 3:30 am so this little black dog would get so hot. Lady wanted me to pee before I got in the car, but I was so excited I just wanted to get in the car and go! We had an anything but boring ten hour trip. We made several stops. For starters, we had to sit in the front seat -together- and there was no working safety belt. Lady was not happy about that! We did have AC. The moon was full so it wasn't too dark. When we got to our new state, the driver had to pay tolls and taxes. It took an hour to get through that town! We passed all kinds of wild life, including an abundance of monkeys. The road was really windy, but I don't get motion sick. Lady says I am a good traveler. She brought my new blue Scooby Doo. I chewed his tongue and ear off. She brought my yellow dish, and some chicken sausage. Yum! For breakfast we shared a potato parantha. It's like a stuffed spicy pancake, but greasier. We finally arrived at 2:00 PM. I was so ready to get out and explore. I checked every room. My rug is here, my dishes are here, my blankie is here, my toys are here, and Lady is here. Must be home.
Here are some photos of my trip. I will post photos of my new home tomorrow. Lady is pooped.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
My House Looks Bare
Suitcases are out again. I know what that means. We're going somewhere. I am relieved to see my stuff AND lady's stuff getting packed. She even stocked up on my expensive dog food. She packed all my clothes, blankets, towels, mats, and most of my toys. She left my new blue Scooby Doo out for me. She took everything off our walls. She says we're moving to the mountains. Yippee! I was born in the mountains. This lower elevation living is for the birds, who can fly away! I am so hot. I get my exercise by panting. Lady says we're leaving this city at 3:00 am because it will be cooler for me, and hopefully we will avoid heavy traffic in a big city we have to go through. We're hiring a car because it is too hot for little black dogs to travel in cargo on a train, and the airlines that flies there doesn't seem to take little dogs. Anyway, that is too expensive. I have flown enough. I love car travel. I don't get motion sick. Well, so far anyway.
Lady says it will take us all day. We'll be there in the late afternoon. The high temperature there is 28 degrees cooler today than the high here!
Mountains, here I come!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Party Photos
Here are some photos of my party. Be sure to check the previous two posts for more photos and the story!
I had such a fun party! We had lasagna, pizza, green beans, carrot sticks, golden bars, all kinds of nuts, and I had chicken sausage! Every year I play a game with my guests. They choose a treat they think I will like the best and they all line up. Lady holds me back until they are ready. Whichever treat I eat first, that human gets a prize! I try to grab as many of the treats as I can. Peyton won this game. Peyton and Tom challenged me to a drinking contest! They got down on all fours and raced me to see who could lap up their water the fastest. Tom won! He beat me! I was very busy chasing bones when they played the bone toss. I managed to grab quite a few. I won the "hot dog" game. It's played like hot potato only they passed around my new blue Scooby Doo. I intercepted it a few times! Eventually Rachel won. Rachel's daddy won the Pin the Tag on the Dog game. Lady wrote a quiz about me and Auntie Nelly won! She reads my blog so she knew all the answers -well, most anyway. Peyton and Hannah made me the coolest gifts! I have my own treat jar with my picture on it. They made my treats from scratch. Even Lady thinks they're yummy, but I reminded her whose picture is on the jar. They also made me a mat for my dishes, and they decorated towels for me. I had fun opening my gifts.
Lady says I am as fat as a tick! I didn't eat all day saving room for tonight so I could sample everything. My cake was a peanut butter carrot cake.
Thanks for the well-wishes. I had a great day. I hope you enjoy my photos.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Busted Again
Lady has had a bad morning. She got some sad news that made her cry before school. She left for school and I was naughty. I'm a dog, what can I say? I got in the garbage again and spread it all over the dining room. I know how to mash on the pedal and open the can, then I just jump up and tip it over! Lady scolded me. I knew I was busted, so I hid under the dining table. After a minute, all is forgiven, and we had veggie burgers and fries for lunch. She loves me.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Did I tell you it is hot in this city? As a matter of fact, this is the hottest of the four cities I have lived in. I do better in the higher elevations. I was born at over six thousand feet. My next city will be back in the mountains, according to Lady. Sounds good to me. If you check my archives, you'll see photos from mountains and rice paddies. Even my last city in India was over two thousand feet. This city is HOT. I had to pee, so I asked to go out earlier than usual. I am drinking a lot of water you know. It was SO hot I was worn out after just a small block. I met a cute lhasa apsa though. She was hot and I don't mean temperature. She may be a bit young for me. We tangled our leashes -it was fun. But, I was ready to be carried up the stairs and lie on the cool marble floors. Didn't even wait for my harness to be released!
There was supposed to be an auto rickshaw strike today, but there were autos this morning. The petrol bunks (gas stations) were also on strike. Guess the auto drivers changed their minds. A friend picked Lady up and gave her a ride to language school. But she was able to get an auto rickshaw home.
Normally, I sleep UNDER the covers, but not here! I sleep on top of the sheet! Yep, it is hot! It's 112! How about where you are? Let me hear from you, okay? You can email me, too!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Adoption Day Party is Coming!
Lady and I are planning my annual party. She doesn't know exactly when my birthday is, so we always celebrate on the day she adopted me, May 20. Last year, my party was delayed because I got bit by a big black bully. I had a great party at the M family's home. The kids made me a birthday cake and dog treats. They got the recipes online. You wouldn't believe how many recipes for dogs are available, and lots of party ideas! Lady had brought the decorations from her country. We always have a pin the tag on Me game, but it is in my last city. So, we're preparing new games.
Who comes to my party? My friends. Last year, Millie and Max hosted me. They are wire-haired wienie dogs. But usually, just my human friends come. Why? Well, Lady says I don't play well with the boys, and I won't leave the girls alone.
This year we are celebrating my ninth birthday and our sixth year together. We are having my party next Friday on the 21st so we can also watch American Idol. My human friends Rachel and Ethan and their mom and dad are coming! I love my parties because I get good stuff! Lady prepares a lot of the foods I like so I can sample everything. She found some Blues Clues decorations for me, but we've never scene Blues Clues. She just likes the decorations.
I'll dress up for my party and be the perfect host. I have had lots of parties over the years, for all different occasions. I am very well-behaved and take care of my guests, giving them lots of attention. I can't wait until my party!
It is still super hot here, over 110 degrees. Lady and I both had showers today to cool off. We wait until the sun goes down to walk but it is still hot. I lie on the cool marble floor under the fan!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Lady hates our doorbell. I don't why. Okay, maybe I do. Maybe it is because I get very noisy when the doorbell rings. And it rings everyday. The old lady vegetable wallah (peddler) rings the doorbell and then sits on the step. She practically begs Lady to buy her veggies. Lady has bought from her, but the last potatoes and tomatoes she bought from this old lady went bad really really fast. Lady speaks to her for a bit, then has to close the door. Lady learned how to say "don't want any today," in the local language, but the old lady just keeps trying. Oh, and two other vegetable wallahs and fruit wallahs come by everyday to get lady to buy from them. And they ring the doorbell. And I let her know someone is there. Then there's the garbage collector. I REALLY get loud when he rings the bell, because he doesn't ring just once.
Then, there's the mail carrier. He rings and steps down on the lower step.
Then there are the neighbors who try to turn on the light but hit our doorbell instead.
When Lady says "no bark," I shut up. But I usually get in a few good scares before she does!
No, Lady does not like the doorbell.
By the way, for those of you who have asked, I am feeling much better. I haven't cried in a week. I don't cry when Lady touches my back. I don't cry when she puts me down. I don't cry in the mornings when I stretch. She is quite relieved. It upsets her when I cry. I've got good drugs.
I finished up getting the last of my annual shots today. I'm covered! Lady says we're shifting to another city in a couple of weeks. We'll have to try to find another vet. Oh, boy.
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Pin Cushion
That's what I feel like...a pin cushion. Three shots three days in a row. But ya know what? I feel better after the shots. I'm having a hard time being comfortable. I don't really like to stay still for the heating pad, but it's doctor's orders.
We had four carnivores over for dinner last night. Lady made a bunch of vegetarian dishes but she also fried up some chicken franks for us carnivores. I got my own frank PLUS leftovers! I hot pay dirt! The humans were really nice to me and scratched me a lot. Lady says we will see them in our next city. Some other folks are coming to visit me tonight to watch American Idol. I don't really care too much. Lady likes Crystal. Lady and I watched "Underdog" the other night. I liked that.
It's really hot. I like lying on the marble floor.
I scared a guy who came to our door today. So he bolted us in! Then he tried to give Lady his card so she'd use him as an electrician. When she tried to open our steel screened door to get the card she discovered he had bolted it and he opened it. Lady was so mad! He said it was because of me that he had bolted it. She gave him back his card and told him she didn't want to do business with him! If someone bolts us in we're kinda stuck. It's scary. Lady's going to put a lock on the bolt so it can't happen again.
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