Last week, Lady quickly packed her bag and put it by the front door. The strange thing is, she didn't pack mine! Early the next morning she was gone!At a decent hour in the morning, Little Bit's Dad came by. I am always leary when someone comes and tries to take me away. I usually hide under the sofa. Well, Little Bit's Dad came in, sat down, and turned on the TV. Eventually, I came out. He gave me a sausage! He is o-kay! When he headed for the door, I wanted to go out. I took him for a walk in the neighborhood, then back to my home. Later that evening, Little Bit herself came! I was happy to see her, but didn't want to leave my home. Maybe they won't bring me back. I must be here waiting for Lady. Boy and Bigger Girl came as well. They played with me and gave me treats. And so it was into the new week. Dad, Little Bit, Boy, and Bigger girl came to go for a walk with me and to play. I got to sleep in my own bed. They played Tug -o-war with me as well.
A few days later, I heard Lady outside the door. Yippee! Lady's home! She had been to Thailand to get her (Z) work visa. In China, foreigners must have an invtation to work in China and earn money. Lady has been on a businees exploration visa (F) for the past year. By law, she cannot earn any money on an F visa. So, she was "paid" in rice, fruit, oil, chocolate, and nuts. She had to leave the country in order to get the new visa. She brought me back shoe-shaped treats, and Doggie cookies. I gave her face a good bath! She was very happy to see me!
This morning, Lady left very early. I stayed in the bed. She began teaching part-time at the local university. She will continue to go to the countryside to teach students and train teachers. If she has to stay overnight, she will bring me! Lady is teaching English to freshmen. She likes it very much! When she returned, I took her out to take care of business, and buy some sausages for good little dogs! After all, I am just a little dog, and I love meat!