It's Sunday again. Technically, Lady can sleep in a bit longer because I go with her to church. But, I can't tell time. I wake her up about the same time everyday, school or not. When I find out it is raining, however, I return to the warm comforts of my bed. We've had quite a bit of rain lately, here at the tail end of the monsoon season. It's rather chilly for a short-haired dog.
Rain or shine, the buffalo wander by, leaving the evidence behind. I am not allowed to poop where anyone can step in it, but I guess the buffalo mommies aren't as strict as mine.
Lady, Auntie K. Auntie Al, and the whole school went on a neat field trip Friday. Little dogs couldn't go. The kids went to an environmental education center to learn more about God's world and how to take care of India's resources. Saturday, Lady, Auntie Al, Auntie K. and the others had a fun day welcoming new Americans to the city. Lady knows one family from China. They weren't in my city so I don't know them. Their two kids are going to Lady's school. She is so happy to have them in her same city again. Lady was going to take me but thought that I'd be too high maintenance with all the goings on. They had carnival activities for the kids, and sack races. There are a lot of street dogs around, but I met them when we lived out there. I don't know why she couldn't take me. I would have been a good boy (mostly). Milly got to go. Lady says she and Milly's mom have arranged a marriage for us when Milly grows up some more. That's the way they still do things here in India. Arranged marriages are common. Lady wanted me to be with my own kind. Milly is a black and tan wire-haired dachshund. I hear she is quite the looker, but I haven't met her yet. Her family fell in love with me when I went to visit their home, so they searched and searched for Milly. I can't wait! I can't wait! But Lady says I have to. She is only three months old.