I don't really know what Halloween is, but if I can get meat then it is a good day. In China it is just another day. Lady didn't make me dress up, just wear a mask. I didn't like it so she had to take the photo quickly. i did a trick and I got the treat! We went into a neighborhood shop to get some things. While Lady wasn't looking, I chose my own fat sausage. I wanted to eat it on the spot, wrapper and all, lest she swipe it from me. She took it from me, but let me have it later, without the wrapper.
Jenny came over for dinner tonight. She brought me a thin Chinese pancake. I let Lady have a bite, but I ate most of it. Jenny came in her police uniform. After dinner, I took Lady and Jenny for a walk. We sent a plastic jack-o-lantern with candy inside and a Corduroy's Halloween book to Jeremiah. I am tired and ready for bed. May all your spirits be holy.
Saturday, October 28, 2006

HOW TO CATCH FISH by Marley Step 1: Get your human friends to drive you to a fishing hole. Step 2: Get the humans to put something smelly on the end of a line attached to a long stick. Step 3: Get the humans to put the smelly stuff in the water and wait. DON'T bite the line or you will get stuck. Step 4: wait.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Well Lady stuffed me in this doggie bag, but I am not at all happy about it. I didn't bite her though. I sure thought about it. The problem is, I have never been in one before and I am about five. And if I can't fit under the seat, Lady can't take me on the plane with her. I've never been in a hard crate, either, and Lady doesn't think I would do well at all. She doesn't want me to have to fly in cargo for so many hours. In her research, she found out that some doggies don't make it all the way. I am too long to fit under the seat. If lady turns this bag sideways, I might fit. What do you think? Do they make special carriers for long hot dogs like me? If I am going anywhere with Lady, it will take a lot of practicing! I don't want to get back in that thing. Maybe if I pee on it, she will put it away.If you have any helpful advice, write me at littledogmarley@hotmail.com

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
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