I hosted a party for the local American ladies yesterday. Lady, Auntie Beth and Auntie Al made the food. I like the carrots with Ranch dressing dip. My friends Auntie K. ,Auntie A, and Auntie Tina all came. They played with me. I had to give up my chair for the occasion because we had sixteen ladies in our home. I was so busy greeting all my guests, making sure everyone felt at home, and cleaning up any food they dropped on the floor. After they left, Lady and I went for a short walk, then I took a nap. I think all had a good time.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Where Buffaloes Roam
Water buffaloes that is! They walk by our home every morning and evening, and by the school as well. They leave behind "evidence" that is difficult for a short little dog to avoid. But it dries up and cars run over and squish it. Then, the next day there's more fresh piles. It looks like a parade when they go by. I don't bark. What's the use. They don't bother me.
These are just the tail end of the babies. I'll get Lady to post some of the big guys that walk by.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Week's Over
This is Lady's class. Lady is so busy with school now, but not too busy for me. We've had lots of visitors, and of course, I meet so many people as we walk. Again this Sunday, I walked with Lady to Aunt K.'s so she could call my grandma and grandpa. I waited at Aunt K.'s while they went to church, then walked Lady home. Lady has a new Chinese goddaughter at the church. She's from Burma. She came to visit Friday and Saturday. I can understand her. She is so happy to have someone to speak Chinese with. They went shopping yesterday. Lady came home with new clothes. So did Aunt Al.
Chasing Bubbles
I like to chase bubbles (and cats, of course). These tent kids on our street had fun chasing bubbles Aunt Al blew for them. Aunt Al lives with us and helps the teachers at the school. These little humans belong to a low caste of construction workers. They follow the construction jobs and erect tents on any open spaces. We have three tent villages on our street. Lady gives them wheat milk biscuits and other stuff. She calls them "babies." They come run
ning when they see us coming, calling, "Auntie, Auntie! Biscuit? Biscuit?" They speak the state language. I am learning it. Lady hasn't had lessons yet, so she can't really say with words what she wants to say. But there are other ways to communicate. She can't understand what they say except for "Auntie" and "biscuit." They love me, of course, and call me by name. I am very patient, but I don't like so many hands on me all at once. Sometimes there are so many little tent kids out on the street when we come by!
Friday, August 17, 2007
First Day of School
Lady's school began today. Yesterday, I went with her to help get things ready. I checked on Aunt A.'s room for the 5th, 6th, and 7th grades, and I visited in Aunt K's room to see if she needed any help. Our new roommate, Aunt Al also worked all day at the school, preparing for the students. Lady took me home for lunch, and I stayed to take a nap. Lady and Aunt AL returned to school to make sure the rooms were as beautiful as possible, and that everything was ready. Lady prepared a reading room with soft mattresses and pillows. I really like that room. Baskets of books sit on the floor by the mattresses. Today, Lady read Flat Stanley to her class. The students liked the room. There's no doorknob on their door, so they have to lock it from the inside and go out the reading room door! The kids have to learn to tune out all the noises of the neighborhood. One of Lady's students wanted me to be the school mascot! But I think they might be called the buffaloes, because daily a herd of baby buffaloes walks by. I didn't go today. I'm homeschooled. Someone has to take care of things on the home front. I went up and visited the landlady who was faithful to give me some meat!
Lady, Aunt Al and i played with the tent kids today. Aunt Al is teaching them games. She took out a bubble machine yesterday. They squealed with delight. She taught them how to play duck duck goose. Lady left her camera at school so I'll have to post photos another day. We finally got dial-up, but are still waiting for broadband. I'mfinding out that India time is something like Chinese time -it's much longer than they say.
Lady, Aunt Al and i played with the tent kids today. Aunt Al is teaching them games. She took out a bubble machine yesterday. They squealed with delight. She taught them how to play duck duck goose. Lady left her camera at school so I'll have to post photos another day. We finally got dial-up, but are still waiting for broadband. I'mfinding out that India time is something like Chinese time -it's much longer than they say.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I got in trouble again. Lady came home to find I had been rummaging in the trash. It wasn't the one with food scraps in it. She put a mop on top of that one so I couldn't get it open. I got in the one for paper and plastics. I littered the whole kitchen floor. Lady had come home with Aunt K., Aunt A., and the girls. Instead of getting to play with the girls, I got a scolding and time out. Lady follows the one minute per year time frame, so I was released after six minutes, but it seemed like forever. You'd think I'd learn. But this morning, I stayed at Aunt K.'s while they went to big church and guess what? Yep. I got into Aunt's trash. Scolded again.
Curious Neighbors
Curious neighbors of the school watched all the goings on. This little boy is made up to look like a girl to ward off evil spirits. We know it's a boy because he wasn't wearing any drawers! Most of the time, Lady can't tell if it really a girl, or just a boy with make up and a pony tail. We have lots of them on our street in the tent cities.
This empty lot by the school was full of debris and large weeds last weekend. That was last Saturday's work project. I wasn't allowed to come due to the bulldozer. It might squish curious little black dogs. Some of the kids
are trying it out. It still needs a thick layer of sand, which is expensive right now due to the truck strike. They also need to buy some new play equipment. I wanted to play, too, but there's no fence to protect a little dog running loose.
Reading Space
Lady's Classroom
I am worn out! I went to the new school today to help out the humans, and for the dedication ceremony. You may remember me telling you that in China, any building construction or renovation calls for the killing of a chicken, and the splashing of it's blood on the corner. Here in India, the Hindu workers have some similar dedications, so it was important to the teachers and families to dedicate the school to the Most High God, and rid the building of other gods. They didn't use blood, but grape juice, as in the Lord's supper. I was a good, quiet boy. I know how to behave during such serious occasions.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
New Baby
Hey! I have news. We're getting a new room mate in our second bedroom. She's coming very soon, from Virginia. I am so excited. Maybe she will bring me a treat! We are getting ready for her!
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Our Home
This is our new home -the whole house. Earlier, Lady posted a picture of only the ground floor. Now you can see the whole house. We live on the ground floor, the landlord's family on the first floor, and there are two small flats on the second floor. In one efficiency, a school volunteer "Aunt Al" will live. She's coming in about a week. Lady and I will watch out for her. Maybe I will even take her for walks. It is still challenging to walk in our 'hood. There are so many street dogs. They aren't very friendly. Lady's friends, T & T, walked with us Friday night and showed us how to keep the street dogs away from me. We have to establish a route, and carry a big stick. Lady has to yell, "hey!" This morning, Lady's stick was missing, so we had a harder time walking to church. I stayed at Aunt K.'s while they went to church. Later, I got to stare at that crazy cat. I love going to Aunt K.'s. I got into Aunt K.'s trash and put a n empty tuna can on her sofa. Busted. I guess i should have put it back. Aunt K. didn't even scold me but Lady sure wasn't happy. I am supposed to be a good boy while I am visiting. After all, I am just a little dog and that smell was so strong!
The other challenge to walking is the mud. I wore my raincoat this morning, so that helps me keep from getting totally muddy, but not much.
Friday, August 03, 2007
My New Door
I love my new door! I can see out! There's a
lso a thick wooden door with lots of locks on it, but when Lady's home, I can use this one! My first night was a long one. I heard ever sound, everytime the landlords went up or down, all the neighbors, all the dogs...And Lady was so conscious of me responding to all the new sounds that she didn't sleep much. My second night was better. I am more used to my surroundings. As soon as I got here, I checked EVERYTHING out. Then, I climbed thestairs and went in the landlord's home and checked every room. Then, I climbed the stairs and checked out the room on the top floor and the roof! I checked out everything I could. In the mornings, I climb the stairs to great the landlord's family. Of course, they like me. But, they haven't given me any meat. Lady bought me a new blankie, since she cut my apart to make it small enough to bring. I really like it. I have a new rug as well. We don't have internet yet so it may be awhile before we can post regularly. But, we're in our home now. Lady says we don't have to move again for a long time. I sure hope not. But for me, home is where my rugs, my blankie, my bowls, and my Lady are.
Can you believe this guy? First, he has the nerve to lay outside Aunt K.'s gate and taunt me. Now, he actually comes inside the gate! I can't fit through the bars, or I would have been out of there and after that cat. But now that he is within reach, I am not sure what to do with him. He just strutted around, sniffed the door mat, and generally caused me grief. Finally, he sauntered on out the bars of the gate and meowed at me. Hah! I let him off easy!
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