Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Meet Teddy. He came to his new furrever home on March 16,2016. He was so matted that his first trip was to the groomer's. His fur seems to be a mix of soft poodle hair and coarse dachshund fur running through it. He rides in the car well, sitting quietly in the back seat. 
We are in love. He slept through his first night in the big bed with me. He wakes up early and needs to go out qickly. He's had a few accidents but we'll keep him! He follows me everywhere, but he also loves my parents. He helps Dad take naps. Dad can even walk him. This is great as Dad had stopped taking his daily beach walks. This photo was taken at sunrise on Easter morning.

Of course the Easter Beagle came.
Teddy nearly gave Grandma a heart attack last night after I left for Bible Study. She opened the door and Teddy ran out the door and down the steps lickity split. She ran after him crying out his name. He ran all around the house and into the busy road! PTL the cars all stopped until Teddy ran back to my mom. She said both their hearts were racing!
Today we went to Pet Supermarket to look for a new harness after he chewed up the first one. By the way, Easter gift Lambchop already got deaded. Anyway, he got loose in the store and took off to the girl who had given him a treat. He tripped the automatic door giving me heart failure! This little guy is quick! He stole a chocolate chip pancake, my flip flop, Mom's slipper, and anything he can reach! He shreds any tissues or napkins he can steal.
He is so sweet! He is timid around people he doesn't know. He won't let anyone pet him yet. He barks at other dogs but has made a few friends on our walks.
I am without a computer for now so I'll give the blog a face lift soon. I can't get the before photos off my camera because I don't have the right plug adapter. I'm trying to find Teddy's voice. Unlike Marley, Teddy is very young and hasn't been to school yet. Marley was highly educated. I still miss Marley but Teddy is filling the gaping hole. I love how different he is. He's his own dog. He is so stinking cute! I am in love!


  1. That's wonderful. He sounds like he is fitting right in and learning what a dog's life should be.

    1. Ha! I think he is training us!

  2. He is adorable!! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks. I think he is just what my heart needs.

  3. Hiya Teddy, I am very pleased to meet you, you are adorable. Sounds like yous doing a pawfect job of helping heal broken hearts, well done handsome fella
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. Teddy is just too cute! He's going to keep you on your toesâ˜ș

  5. He is soooo cute! Thanks for giving him a wonderful home! He looks a little like a wirehair doxie (his face) It is unbelievable how much energy a puppy has, but he will settle down. I guess we are all getting older! Much love for your new addition.

    1. I think the doc I part is wirehair because he's got course dark hair running through his coat. The top of his head is poodle. He is definitely full of energy! What a contrast to a senior dog.

  6. Our Mommy is crying tears of joy right now. She is so excited to hear all about Teddy and to see his sweet face. While we will always LOVE Marley forever and ever, Teddy might be right in line for some Lily loving! Welcome Teddy. Are we ever excited that you are in your new forever home where we know you will be smothered with lot's of love.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

    1. Oh I hope we can plan to get together. Same email address.

  7. Teddy has such a sweet face! Our hearts stopped too when you talked about him running into the road!!! Don't do that, Teddy. You've got a sweet deal where you're at!

    1. I wish the camera would do his beautiful green eyes justice. They just draw you in.

  8. Hari om
    Hellooooo Teddy!!! Lady, it is joyful to read of your new furpal... looking forward to reading all about the settling and education:-) YAM xx

  9. Welcome Teddy! Sounds like you are quite the wild one! We can always use new pups around here to stir up some action! Butt, and hear us good and loud. . . Stay away from the road! We look forward to hearing all about how you will train your humans!

    Keep Calm and Bark On!

    Murphy and Stanley

    1. Thanks! Being a runner is at the top of the list of issues.

  10. OMD-Welcome are absolutely adorable!!! And given your peeps early heart attacks...that is so like me!! Once you get "educated" will come on problem!! We are so pleased to meet you....
