Wednesday, May 02, 2012

O My Achin' Back!

Yep, I am having a hard time these days -mostly in the mornings. I do better after I have been by the heater and warm up. Lady has been giving me Carprophen but we're almost out. It's only available in the capital city 10 hours away. She's taking me back to the vet. She thinks it is my arthritis. Our temps have been in the low 40's at night and 60's during the day, but we have had rain, so it is damp. I didn't cry tonight, but the mornings are bad. Lady's been giving me treats because she feels bad for me, but she's cutting me off. I'm getting a bit fluffy.
I am so glad it is May because I have my Adoption Day Celebration on the 20th!
We got another package from Uncle Greg. Lady was happy to see more crafts for the girls, agar agar flakes, and prizes for her ladies. Thanks, Uncle Greg.
The ladies came over today -a whole bunch of them. They made an Indian chaat, which is a snack. I wasn't interested, but Vic came with Nan and gave me a samosa! Yum!


  1. Ooooooo a samosa! We'd like that, especially HER. Hope your arthritis improves. Hurting is the pits.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Hi Marley, sorry to hear you are having a flare up of your arthritis. Hang in there!

  3. Marley!
    I am so sorry to know you are having back problems. I hope your Vet will give you meds to ease the pain.
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

  4. Hope your back feels better! Your Gotcha Day is the same day as my Mom's birthday!
    Dachshund Nola

  5. I'm so sorry you're feeling badly! I hope it feels better soon.

    Nubbin wiggles,
