Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween, I Guess

I don't really know what Halloween is, but if I can get meat then it is a good day. In China it is just another day. Lady didn't make me dress up, just wear a mask. I didn't like it so she had to take the photo quickly. i did a trick and I got the treat! We went into a neighborhood shop to get some things. While Lady wasn't looking, I chose my own fat sausage. I wanted to eat it on the spot, wrapper and all, lest she swipe it from me. She took it from me, but let me have it later, without the wrapper.
Jenny came over for dinner tonight. She brought me a thin Chinese pancake. I let Lady have a bite, but I ate most of it. Jenny came in her police uniform. After dinner, I took Lady and Jenny for a walk. We sent a plastic jack-o-lantern with candy inside and a Corduroy's Halloween book to Jeremiah. I am tired and ready for bed. May all your spirits be holy.

Trick or Treat! SMell my feet! Give me some good meat to eat! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 28, 2006

FInally, the fish hot pot. But, alas, Lady won't let me have any. My White Coats say fish here isn't good for me. Lady brought me a chicken dog and a bottle of water instead. I did get some french fries off Belle, though! Posted by Picasa

Jeremiah got tired of waiting and went to play with the boss's daughter. Posted by Picasa

Fishing takes patience. Posted by Picasa

You must watch very carefully and be ready to pounce. Posted by Picasa

My human friend Betty caught some fish. Her mother is holding it. Posted by Picasa

Step 6: If your human lets go of your harness, you can go in and get the fish yourself. Posted by Picasa

Step 5: When the humans have a fish on the line, jump up and grab it. Posted by Picasa

HOW TO CATCH FISH by Marley Step 1: Get your human friends to drive you to a fishing hole. Step 2: Get the humans to put something smelly on the end of a line attached to a long stick. Step 3: Get the humans to put the smelly stuff in the water and wait. DON'T bite the line or you will get stuck. Step 4: wait. Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 27, 2006

Oh, Happy Day! Oh, Happy, Day! When Goldie brought, oh when Goldie brought a new blanket my way!!  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Is it ever gonna stop raining? It's 58 degrees, so I have on my Pooh coat, ready to go. But I really don't like to go out in the rain.  Posted by Picasa

Well Lady stuffed me in this doggie bag, but I am not at all happy about it. I didn't bite her though. I sure thought about it. The problem is, I have never been in one before and I am about five. And if I can't fit under the seat, Lady can't take me on the plane with her. I've never been in a hard crate, either, and Lady doesn't think I would do well at all. She doesn't want me to have to fly in cargo for so many hours. In her research, she found out that some doggies don't make it all the way. I am too long to fit under the seat. If lady turns this bag sideways, I might fit. What do you think? Do they make special carriers for long hot dogs like me? If I am going anywhere with Lady, it will take a lot of practicing! I don't want to get back in that thing. Maybe if I pee on it, she will put it away.If you have any helpful advice, write me at littledogmarley@hotmail.com  Posted by Picasa

Lady tried again to get me in the doggie carrier. It took ten minutes to get me this far. She kept trying to tell me that if I will ride in this thing, I can go more places with her. When she leaves this place, she wants to take me with her, but I don't like that thing.  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Delicious! I love jioa zi (dumplings)! Posted by Picasa

Goldie, Claude, and Nancy help in the kitchen. Posted by Picasa

I think all my friends had a good time tonight. I'm full of jiao zi. Be sure and check out the other photos below. Posted by Picasa

With eighteen humans in the house, a little dog can either get stepped on, or get his jiao zi taken. So, I take it to the mat! Posted by Picasa

My strategic location is under the table, ready to move in any direction. Belle, Goldie and Julie are very good about giving me meat, so I stick close to their table!  Posted by Picasa

I had lots of company tonight. The English Corner crowd came for jiao zi (dumplings). Lady also made chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and banana nut muffins for dessert. I like when Teddy from Cameroon comes because then I'm not the only black guy! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Look at these beautiful girls! Lady was invited to the big feast that night, but she declined. They were featuring mutton dishes! I thought she should go and bring home a big doggy bag! Posted by Picasa

Student dancers. Posted by Picasa

These are some of the students from Lady's school who performed at the special event. Posted by Picasa

Does this look like a turnip to you? Posted by Picasa

This chef demonstrated how to carve a turnip. Posted by Picasa

Here come the participating chefs from all over China! They will prepare their famous dishes in several of the large hotels. Posted by Picasa