Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh happy day! Lady came back early this morning! Aunty June sent me a new hoodie, which Lady promptly put on me. I survived my stay home alone, with our landlady taking care of me. But she told Lady I tipped over the heater and now it doesn't work. So, I had no heat at night. I had lots of blankies. It does so work. Aunty Meenu just didn't connect it right, and I am not saying who tipped it over. Don't worry, the elements are protected and it has automatic shut-off. It is not hot to the touch. Lady doesn't use those kind around me.

I have many things to be thankful to God for this year:
1. My new home in the Himalayas
2. Lady is with me this year.
3. I have a new cousin named Casey.
4. The vet says I don't have IVDD.
5. I can walk and I am not in pain.
6. I have lots of humans who love me.

I sincerely hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving this year and are able to spend it with family and friends. Don't forget your non-human friends. Thank you for reading my blog.

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