Saturday, May 10, 2008


Four years ago today, Lady adopted me from my first American family. They moved back to the states and left me with their house helper. I was almost three when Lady came to the capital city of the province where she lived to get me. I had been living with the house helper for six months. She didn't want me. But Lady heard I needed a home and made the three hour trip to come get me. She had prayed for a little dog just like me! I was an answer to her prayers! She was coming up the stairs as I was going outside to take care of business. She said, "you must be Marley," and put her hand down in front of my face. I smelled it, wagged my tail and licked her hand. The rest is history. We lived together for two and a half years in China until Lady left to visit her family. I stayed with a Chinese family with whom I had often visited for a vacation. I have lots of friends in China. Chinese is my first language you know. Six months later, Lady returned to get me. She put me in a strange plastic and metal box with my rug, my blankie, and my toys. I cried. A conveyor belt carried me away into this huge huge bus with wheels. I had never seen such a thing! But we didn't stay on the ground. We took off into the air. The noise was deafening! Some humans came and got me and took me off. I waited for Lady, but she didn't come. I cried. I didn't know that Lady tried to see me in Thailand, but they wouldn't let her. She thought she could hear me. She had to pay my fees and sign some papers for me to continue to India. Finally, I was taken in a building and there was my Lady! Was I ever ready to get out of that box! But, the man wouldn't let Lady take me out until she had her luggage. Some little humans kept me company so I stopped howling. At last, my Lady came and let me out. I gave her face a bath! She hooked me up in my trusty harness and off we went in search of a car to take me home. I tried to jump in the first open car door I saw, much to the surprise of the driver! Lady and I have lived in India for ten months now. I have lots of friends here, both human and dog. My party was scheduled for today, but had to be postponed. Today is Election Day. Candidates illegally distribute alcohol and other vote enticers. The people tend to get agitated and may riot. So, we were told to stay home today. My party will be Monday. But I found my gift in a big black sack, and took it out! It's in the photo! Lady made me biscuits for breakfast -with gravy!! Since she doesn't know my birth date, this is the day we celebrate. Feel free to look back through my archives and see photos from my past. Feel free to write me at .

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